Everyone rigs up a Christmas tree in their home every December. The size varies from about 3 centimetres to up to 3 metres high. Around the beginning of the era, it was already a Germanic tradition to bring tree branches into the house for decoration in winter. Green trees and branches symbolised fertility. A beautiful symbol in the winter when greenery is so scarce.
According to unwritten rules, you are allowed to buy and decorate a Christmas tree from 21 December. However, this tradition is pushed forward every year. Now, it is often the day after Christmas Eve, 6 December, that people buy a tree in droves. And that is not surprising at all, because then you can enjoy the tree much longer.
In many countries they do not celebrate Boxing Day at all. Starting the day with a full breakfast, followed by a walk and then a game can be called a successful day!
Our distant ancestors celebrated the arrival of light at the end of December. There are also several traditions, such as Germanic and Roman in which the house was decorated with branches and lights in December. There is a lot of symbolism behind each form of decoration, such as fertility. People used to hang real candles in the tree. Fortunately, it is a lot safer now.
A Christmas cake is bread topped with spice. This spice has a symbolic meaning. Christmas carol differs from Easter carol. The latter often has pieces of fruit, while the former is covered with a layer of icing sugar.