The impact of brexit on betting

Categorised as Casino, Gambling, News, Premier League, Themes Tagged , , , , , , ,

Brexit is reality. Time will tell whether the British made a good choice by ‘taking back control’. How the new political arena plays out for the gambling industry remains to be seen, but fact is that the world of regulations and licensing as we know it is about to shake up.

The Greatest Casino sights in the World

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Even if you are not a fan of gambling, visiting one of the worlds amazing casino sights can be an impressive experience for any trip. So much grandour, lights, spectacle and dreams comes true (and crushed) you will most likely see nowhere else. There is a certain ‘air’ to the casino world that attracts even… Continue reading The Greatest Casino sights in the World

Everything you need to know about FIFA ’19!

FIFA ’19 will hit the stores the 25th of september and the hype-is-real. The designers and developers were even called back from holiday to restyle posterboy Christiano Ronaldo from a Real Madrid tenue to a Juventus tenue. Just as FIFA ’18, the games comes in three editions: Standard Edition FIFA, Champions Edition FIFA and Ultimate… Continue reading Everything you need to know about FIFA ’19!

Japan Welcomes Esports and Pro Gaming

Categorised as Esports, News Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Why is the father country of gaming unsuccessful in esports and how are they planning to solve this? Though further research on the subject might be neccessary, there are strong allegations against a decades-old law preventing the Japanese from participating in gambling, but indirectly targeting professional esports tournaments as well. Resulting in poor competitive players… Continue reading Japan Welcomes Esports and Pro Gaming

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